You are here: Using > Tools > Account Codes

Account Codes


The Account Codes - add new or update existing account codes/departments. Contact information and addresses can be entered for each account code.  


Frequency: This process can be executed as often as desired. But is normally used once during initial set-up of the software.


- only the Administrator can access the Tools function.


- debts that are imported into the software without an account code are assigned to the default account code "DSO".


- before printing Notification Letters for a particular account code the address information must be set-up.



1. From the Main menu click Tools:


2. Move the mouse over Account Codes and click this option:


3. The current Account Codes appear:



  1. - add a new account code
  2. - edit an existing account code
  3. - delete an existing account code
  4. - change an existing account code to another existing account Code
  5. - add or edit the contact information and address information to b used in generating notification letters. Set default number of years for Expiration Dates and Set to Accrue Interest.
  6. - returns to the main menu



4. Account Code Options:


a) Adding a New Account Code:




A sample entry:



b) Editing an Account Code:


- the Account Code cannot be edited, only the description. If the Account Code needs to be edited, it must be deleted then added back with the desired code.




c) Deleting an Account Code:




d) Changing an Account Code:








e) Configure an Account Code




- All of the above except for Years before Expires and Interest Accrual appear in the notification letter.




5. Click to return to the Account Code list